I Never Saw Your Wings: Ode to My Late Mother Marie on Mother's Day

[Mom saw me take my first breath on August 26, 1950, and I saw her take her last breath on Mother’s Day May 12, 2013]

There are Angels God puts on this Earth to care for us and guide us.

You can feel their love and gentleness

As they walk through life beside us.

They do great things for us each and every day

They whisper in our ears,

And hold us in their hearts

When we are filled with fear.

They are always there to give a hug

And try to make us smile.

They treat us with respect and love,

They treat us like their child.

God Blessed me with an Angel,

I’m proud to call my own.

She was with me throughout my life,

Until I was fully grown.

She guided me the best she could,

She taught me like no other,

And though she is no longer here

I am grateful she was my mother.

Postscript: The shrine at Lazise, Lake Garda is typical of many seen in Italy as a tribute to the Madonna. In 1957, 50 years after the institution of Mother’s Day in the United States, a priest in the hill town of Assisi decided that the day should be used to celebrate women and their contribution to family and community life. It was so popular that the following year, a petition was presented to Parliament and the second Sunday in May was declared officially “La Festa Della Mama [Mother’s Day].