"Today, let us swim wildly, joyously in gratitude."
—Rumi, Sufi mystic and poet
Traditionally, Thanksgiving Day is a time to gather together with a sense of gratitude and reverence for our blessings and to enjoy those blessings with a feast of food shared with friends and family. Though it is not a religious holiday, it is a sacred day that many look forward to and remember long after the day has passed. This is how Cecile and I feel when attending Thanksgiving at the Chiens. They always make us feel welcomed and at ease.
Kim is the very arbiter of style, taste, and creativity when it comes to setting the stage for an unforgettable Thanksgiving meal. The warm and cozy ambiance she creates is phenomenal. Together with her husband Al, they prepared and choreographed the most amazing family affair. Kyle, Michelle and our granddaughter Lyla, were present. Kyle’s brother Chip and fiance, Katie Sullivan came in from NYC. Al’s brother Rich Chien, wife Lisa and their daughter’s Alivia and Simone and our son Jason were in attendance along with Cecile and myself. It wouldn’t be complete without Rich and Al’s mom and dad, Dana and Jack who also joined us.
We began with drinks, clam dip, and chips; brie with cranberries and pecans for appetizers. Al and Kim cooked the roasted turkey with sage dressing and gravy to perfection. They also made mash potatoes, candied yams with marshmallows, sweet potato casserole, green salad with feta cheese, candied pecans and pomegranate seeds. Lisa brought a delicious honey baked ham and sticky rice, Michelle brought mushroom green beans with crunchy dry onions on top, and dinner rolls, and Cecile and I brought a pumpkin, pecan, and french apple pies and fall cookies.
If you think you’re going to leave Kim and Al’s home empty-handed, you would be wrong. As we know Thanksgiving leftovers are a treat in any home and they make it easy by providing convenient containers so that everyone can have their own plate(s) of food and dessert for the next day or two.
Dearest Kim and Al, Rumi also wrote: “If you only say one prayer in a day, make it thank you.” In this spirit, we thank you once again for your gracious hospitality, your love, and your friendship. We both hit the lottery when your Kyle and our Michelle married. Just ask Lyla!💓