“With appreciation and gratitude, we open our heart and let the blessings in life touch us.”—James Baraz
Aside from the calming presence of the meditative water fountain to the left of the entrance, the first thing that caught my eye when my wife Cecile, our son Jason and I enter Kim and Al’s beautiful home for a day of Thanksgiving, was the elegant main dining table lined with beautiful white flowers and an array of different sized candles and ornate place holders with our names on them. There was also an impressive holiday spread of side dishes, appetizers and a sumptuous table of wonderful desserts, luminous flower vases, fall decorations, including glass blown pumpkins, and other accent pieces. It has Kim’s signature touches written all over them that says: “Welcome, we love you and we are happy you are all are here.”
We started with drinks, clam dip and chips and Michelle’s bean dip and pomegranate on crackers. We leisurely mingled with each other while the Turkey was being basted and the marshmallow with sweet potatoes were being baked.
Kyle and Michelle, Al’s parents Dana and Jack, his brother Rich, wife Lisa, their adorable girls Alivia and Simone, Lisa’s dad Percy in from Pembroke Massachusetts, a solid guy who I have gotten to know from the last two Thanksgiving celebrations, Kyle’s charming brother Chip in from NYC, and our son Jason. Alex had family plans but was able to join us for a drink. BTW, check out Chip laying flat to the floor with first Simone then little Alivia standing on his back giving him a massage. I guess stirring the gravy really tuckered the poor guy out🙂.
Before we were called to the dinner table I was honored to be asked to deliver the blessing before our meal.
I opened with a poem by the late Ralph Waldo Emerson whose focus was about being grateful for what we have:
“For each new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food,
For love [family] and friends,
For everything...goodness [brings].”
I finished with an offering of my own:
As we eat this food, let us be grateful to those unseen and unknown who planted the crops, cultivated the fields, and reaped the harvest; For the plants and animals who have given themselves so that we may enjoy this meal together; to those who brought a dish to share, and to Kim and Al who prepared the main meal, and provided the warm hospitality and comfort of their beautiful home. Cecile and I are so happy to call them our friends.❤️🙏
To all our family and friends during this holiday season and beyond:
May you be happy
May you be peaceful
May you be safe
May you be free