Biking 25-Miles Roundtrip Along the Sheltered Los Gatos Creek Trail to Lexington Reservoir

“You don’t stop doing things because you get old. You get old because you stop doing things.”

—Rosamunde Pilcher

After Bike riding the Los Gatos Creek Trail to Lexington Reservoir County Park located in the Santa Cruz Mountains, Bill and I rode around and above the 338-acre man made reservoir clockwise. This is one of our favorite rides as it is totally sheltered from car traffic. The first half the loop is quite steep, but settles to a steady climb after a couple of miles. The downhill part with all its twists and turns is quite exhilarating with a top speed of around 27-miles an hour. The last leg of the ride is under a wooded canopy of cool shade. The views are spectacular as can be seen by the photos. There is a narrow opening that enters onto a dirt road that takes you further down to the waters edge where people in small numbers fish and set up their private little picnic areas. One section runs below and along the side of a curvy area of Highway 17. The side of the supporting structures below are filled with paintings from graffiti artists. Bill spotted wild turkeys, a deer and a coyote that ran off into the brush. The heat and dry winter months has taken its toll and water conservation is in effect, especially between certain canyons where water level is usually more shallow and is consumed by evaporation by the sun. The Smoky the Bear sign along the upper part of Highway 17 near Bear Creek road was out warning people that the FIRE DANGER WAS VERY HIGH TODAY!