The True Meaning of Aloha & Taking Yoga Fitness Balance Board Classes at the Marriott Ocean Club

“Change happens through movement and movement heals."—Joseph Pilates

People often ask what is the real meaning of Aloha? It actually is related to the presence of breath. The term Aloha is derived from the Proto-Polynesia period dating back to the early 1800s. The literal interpretation of the phrase translates to [Alo] meaning ‘presence’ and [Ha] meaning ‘breath’ for ‘breath of life.’ In the practice of yoga, we remember our breath as a way to bring us back to the present moment, and to link the body, mind, and spirit. WIth Aloha there is a recognition of the breath, the spirit within us, and the spirit [breath] that we all share.

I have been taking fitness balance board classes at the Maui Marriott Ocean Club for many years. The Yoga Fitness Balance Board is an offshoot of the original Indo Board used by surfers and skaters for land training and was then used to mimic Stand up Paddle Boarding. The wooden boards are roughly the size of a surfboard with rockers attached to the bottom of the front and back. The advantage of the Indo boards is that even if you can’t maintain your balance at times, your feet are only a couple of inches from the floor. It easy to touch down with one foot and bring it back up on the board. Working on your balance is especially important as we age. Because of the element of instability, the teacher conducts the pace of the class to flow more slowly than your typical yoga class allowing students to focus on breathing evenly and slowly; engaging your core muscles, build up you stamina; and, allowing you to really focus and concentrate on your balance.