“Grandchildren are the dots that connect the lines from generation to generation.”
—Lois Wyse
Now that our loving granddaughter Lyla, nearing three years old is in preschool, most of the babysitting we share with other grandparents each week are now focused on our precious good natured seven-month old granddaughter Emmy (short for Emmeline) whom Cecile and I gladly babysit on Mondays and Wednesdays.
It is exhausting to be a parent living and working in Silicon Valley while raising a family. The arrangement we worked out with our daughter Michelle and son-in-law Kyle who now live closer to us has created a closer bond for all concerned. They really appreciate the help and we are flexible enough to happily provide the assistance. If either of the grandparents takes ill or goes on vacation we graciously cover for each other. The trade off is worth it. They have the help they need and we get to be a part of our granddaughters lives. As grandparents we give them a cultural connection and reassurance of their roots, and in exchange they give us continuity that our lives will live on through them. Cecile and I marvel how Lyla and Emmy have developed their own unique personality.
There’s an old saying: “A grandchild is a treasure whose worth you cannot measure except by the love in your heart." Even when they are not in your arms, on your lap, or in your home, they are always in your thoughts especially when you're on vacation. They make your world a little softer, a little kinder and, a little warmer. It is the simple moments with our grandchildren that so often become the most precious memories. They are like flowers, you never get tired of watching them grow. Bottle feeding Emmy has a calming effect on us, and watching her eat cut up strawberries, avocado, carrots, squash and yogurt is not only nurturing but a source of entertainment. She has learned to let out a yell when she wants more.
These photos mostly of Emmy since her big sister Lyla is in pre-school all day were taken over the past few weeks while in her stroller while we walked on the trails around the lake, ponds, and waterfalls where we live and while babysitting her in our home.