“Our debt to the Heroic men and valiant women in the service of our country can never be repaid.
They have earned our undying gratitude.
America will never forget their sacrifices.
—President Harold S. Truman
The red poppy is known as "The Flower of Remembrance" and is worn in memory of our veterans and active service members.
The Six remembrances on Memorial Day:
1-Our Fallen Service Men & Women Who Gave their Life for our Country
2-Those Soldiers Missing in Action
3-Our Prisoners of War
4-Our Wounded Warriors
5-Veterans who Served Both Here and Abroad, Returned Home & No longer with Us
6-Active Service Members. Thank You for All You Do!
Postscript: In Loving Memory of my dad, Frank Augustine who received a military funeral.
(January 5, 1917-December 18, 2017)