Magical Clouds at Play: Just Look Up!

When my mind is engrossed in thought, caught in a circular loop, I look up at the sky and the ever changing clouds remind me that it’s only temporary—everything changes.

These clouds that I photographed the last few days look deliciously moody and whimsical. Some look like watercolors. I see them as Nature’s entertainment for us humans—a return to the inner child. I have always been fascinated with the word “Anthropomorphism" which is anything non-human, such as an animal, object or nature that is given human qualities including emotions and actions. 

When you look back in time, our entire childhood was a giant stew of anthropomorphism. Take Mickey and Minnie Mouse and the entire cast of Disney characters. Myths and Fairy Tales use anthropomorphism to create stories in which animals and forces of nature are the main characters.

Poems can be anthropomorphic like the one below called:

Cloud 9 by χαρμολύπη (Greek poet)

Have you ever paid attention to the sky?
I sure have, every car ride, every walk outside
every time I’m sad I look to the clouds above.

The clouds have feelings,
they, just like us, get sad, angry, and frustrated at times, 
but they are kind to us down below,
they reward us with their beauty,

They are similar to us with one more thing,
they too, like most of us, have a best friend,
I bet they share secrets and stories right as they’re going to bed, behind the city skyline [and mountain tops] together they make the perfect team to bring smiles all around,
when the colors of the sun and the grace of the clouds bleed together, it puts our hearts at ease.
Next time, just look up!