I was fortunate enough to have my story: "A Nightmare Becomes A Blessing in Disguise" published on gratefulness.org on November 1, a few days after its 91 year old founder, Br. David Stendl-Rast appeared on Super Soul Sunday on the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN). Years ago, I had the opportunity to meet the scholar, author and Benedictine monk whose body of work has inspired generations at Esalen Institute in Big Sur while on retreat. My favorite quote of Br. David is: "Joy is the happiness that doesn't depend on what happens." To read my short story click the title directly below.
A Nightmare Becomes A Blessing in Disguise - Gratefulness.org
As a board-certified foot doctor specializing in outpatient minimally invasive foot surgery at the Park Avenue Foot Clinic in Silicon Valley that I founded in 1975, I felt like a man in control of his destiny. Iā¦
1-Performing Laser surgery
2-Training Dr. Michael Reddy from Tasmania
3-Performing a Gait Analysis
4-Being Interviewed by a SF Bay Area News Reporter