Lifestyle & Travel

Celebrating Gerry's 60th Birthday at a Catered Gourmet Pizza Party

“When the power of Love overcomes the love of Power, the world will know pizza.”
—Jimi Hendrix

I was all dressed in my blue jeans and blue pullover sweater when Cecile reminded me, “Den,
Gerry asked we dress in pink and black.” Hmmm!" I thought, "do i even own anything pink?" Surprisingly, I had a brand new silk hot pink tie on my tie rack that I never wore. Our daughter Michelle had arrived from San Mateo earlier in the day with our granddaughter Lyla who is just over 2 months old. What a treat to have her party with us. We planned to meet our son in law Kyle at Gerry’s and his dad Ed at their home to celebrate Gerry’s 60 birthday with over 70 of their friends and family members. We were delighted and honored to be invited. It was festive and so much fun. Ed and several other volunteers had a canopy covered wine bar set up in the back yard to serve guests and to protect us all from the rain. To my surprise and utter delight the caterer had a portable pizza oven set up to the left of the bar. A variety of thin crust pizza was being baked and served along with platters of cheese, veggies, bite-size meatballs, and other goodies. The night flew by, we all sang Happy Birthday to Gerry, candles were lit atop of muffins and blown out, and Ed and several friends and family members sung the praises of the birthday girl. Gerry is the youngest of five sisters. I was especially moved when two of them, Mary and Anne said she is the one they turn too when they find themselves in a jam. 
Gerry is kind and fun loving and we took a liking to her when we first met her sometime before Kyle and Michelle got married.
When it was time for her to speak, she thanked everybody for coming and added she can’t believe she is 60 years old. Of course, she chose more colorful words to let us know how she really felt but since this is a family oriented post I won’t go there:-). “All kidding aside Gerry, I felt the same way as you when I turned 60 over eight years ago, so I thought I would end with one of my favorite wisdom quotes from Richard Gere to bring it all in perspective.” 
He said: “ I am old but I am forever young at heart. We are always the same age inside. Know that you are the perfect age. Each year is special and precious, you can only live it once. Do not regret growing older, it’s a privilege denied to many.”
Thanks again for inviting us to your lovely home to celebrate with you and Ed, your friends and family. We wish you many more Happy and Healthy Birthdays to come. Peace, hugs and many more blessings to come.

Note: The photo of a Pizza shaped like the map of Italy is from the Italian & Proud Community website shared on Facebook by my childhood friend Jerry Gustoso, a hair stylist from my hometown of Hoboken, NJ where I once worked part-time delivering pizza at La Scalinata’s Pizza when I was in my teens.

Enjoying the Snow Capped Mountains is Silicon Valley: A Rare Sight in these neck of the woods

“Expect the unexpected because your life is bound to be full of surprises.”—Bernard Grad

Cecile and I went to Kaiser Permanente pharmacy to renew a prescription when I saw this picturesque snow-capped mountain view down the street behind the Los Gatos Creek trail. The palm trees at lower elevation usually associated with balmy California weather provided a whimsical contrast.
To friends and family on the East Coast, we just don’t get snow here in the South Bay too often, and when we do it’s usually at the higher elevation of the Santa Cruz Mountains and the Los Gatos Mountains that runs through it. A neighbor who is originally from the East Coast like myself said: “I don’t mind going to the snow to ski; I just don’t want it to come to me." While we were able to enjoy the pure aesthetics of it from a distance, friends of ours who live in the mountains experienced between 1 and 2 inches.
The winter storms that have hit the West for several days dusted the peaks overlooking San Francisco, the city’s first notable snowfall of its kind in eight years.

Witnessing the Powerful Roar and Majesty of the Water Cascading over the Vasona Reservoir Dam

“Water is the driving force of all nature.”—Leonardo DaVinci

“Nothing is softer or more flexible than water, yet nothing can resist it.”—Lao Tzu

An overcast sky and a torrent of rain have hung over Northern California the last few weeks, but that didn’t stop Cecile and me from taking our usual morning walk. All the plants, trees and ground cover were lush and green.
Along the way, we were graced with a rainbow that caused us to pause and take it in before it dissipated. Afterward, I went to Bay Club Courtside across the Netflix headquarters to swim some laps and then made my way to watch water cascading over the Vasona Reservoir Dam spillway just minutes away.
When the Lexington dam reservoir in the Santa Cruz Mountains can't hold the excess water entering the reservoir it makes its way down the Los Gatos Creek to the Vasona Reservoir Dam Spillway.
Unless it’s mentioned on the news as it was two years ago after we exited an eight-year draught thanks to an onslaught of heavy rains, this event is largely taken for granted. The thunderous roar of crashing water from the spillway can be heard hundreds of feet away. As I drew closer, I could feel the rumbling vibrations under my feet. In spite of the rain, people were running on the trails.
A few stopped—as I had done—to witness the beauty and feel the powerful flow of water. As I shared the experience with a couple above me on the varied slanted terrain, the man's wife said with a hint of disappointment in her voice, “Can you believe my camera phone went dead?” She gratefully accepted my offer to text her one of my photos which I did on the spot. After wishing them a good day, I reflected on the experiences of the morning. It made me realize that I was living consciously in the moment by showing up for life which is inherently meaningful for no other reason than it is meant to be fully lived no matter how it presents itself—rain or shine.

Video clip

Babysitting our Granddaughter Lyla & an Ancient Chant that Brought Her into A Blissful State of Sleep

"Sometimes the littlest thing take up the most room in your heart”—Winnie the Pooh

Cecile and I were presented with a VIP opportunity to babysit our granddaughter Lyla who is 7 weeks old today, and her older brother Decker—the family dog—her protector and chief. 
It didn’t pay much:-) but the experience was rich beyond words. Our daughter Michelle and son-in-law Kyle asked if we could babysit so they could attend a wedding ceremony of their dear friends. While we have been to San Mateo to visit Lyla multiple times, this was the first time we had the pleasure of having her visit at our own home. Several friends dropped by to see her as well as Lyla's uncle Jason.

Over time, we have observed our friends and some family members relationships with their grandchildren. While the common thread is love, the quality of the connection depends in great measure on the amount of time they get to spend together. Many grandparents aren’t able to do this since their kids live out of the area. I never knew my grandfather on my father’s side and I only saw my grandfather on my late mother’s side when I visited family in Sicily. On the other hand, Cecile was blessed with having lived in the same building as her grandparents and, great-grandparents in Chicago. We trust this special bonding time with Lyla will play a supporting role in her upbringing.

It is an amazing experience to have Lyla hold us in her gentle gaze, connecting with us in a loving field of awareness. We felt fully immersed in the present, conscious of a life force streaming through our bodies. 

However, I have to admit the greatest fear many grandparents have—especially new grandpas—is the inability to comfort their grandchild when they cry, sometimes hysterically.
I was all thumbs the first time when Lyla cried and now that we had her all to ourselves I wasn't sure if I would fall short. Even Cecile who has always been a solid, loving supportive mother and is a natural at comforting Lyla, was challenged at times in-between feedings when we couldn’t comfort her. Two things helped. First, Cecile introduced her to a soft five star Einstein toy that emitted a colorful glow and played Mozart and other classical tunes. Lyla was mesmerized by something new and wonderful. This worked and we highly recommend it as a whimsical aid. But, there were times when it didn't. So we took turns walking and rocking her, and humming and singing with limited results.

Intuitively, I found myself chanting a loud, long and steady Ommmmmm, a sacred yoga chant that many of our teachers often begin and end a yoga class with. To my amazement, it worked like a charm. Within seconds Lyla ceased crying. I called Cecile into the room to tell her what happened. I retested it over and over again and each time Lyla stopped crying. Then Cecile followed my lead and it had a similar effect.

Each time the sound of OM placed Lyla in a calm, blissful state and often times made her fall asleep. OM represents the sound of the universe. It appears at the beginning and the end of most Sanskrit prayers. It is a mystic syllable, considered the most sacred mantra in Indian and Buddhist cultures.
OM is a versatile tool that people of all faiths can utilize to bring focus and awareness in life. You don’t have to do yoga to benefit from making the sound of OM. Practice it in the privacy of your home, perhaps while taking a shower. For those new parents and grandparents out there, to make the sound of OM correctly, remember the sound vibration is pronounced “ohm” as in the word home where the h is silent.

If you have any doubt of OM’s validity to calm a screaming baby please check out San Diego motivational speaker Daniel Eisenman who was broadcasting live to his Facebook followers when his daughter Divina began crying in the backdrop. He responded by making a long and steady “OM" sound, and within seconds she relaxed enough to fall asleep. It was reported in the last year and received over 25 million views. When I saw how chanting a simple deep throated OMMMMM worked, I decided to do a Google search to see if anyone else had this experience and came across Eisenman’s recording.

Give it a try! You’ll be happy you did, and you might be surprised how relaxing it is to do—for yourself as well as your crying baby and/or your crying grandchild. 


*The OM story was first reported by Valerie Siebert for
Published April 27, 2017

Photo: Kyle, Michelle & Kyle's brother Chip attending a friend's waiting

Reflecting on Our Visit to the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis on the 50th Anniversary in honor of Martin Luther King's Birthday

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”
—Martin Luther King Jr

I was only 13 when Dr. King gave his “I Have a Dream” speech in 1963. While the struggles of the civil rights movement during the 50s and 60s were hard to digest as a young boy, I remember being moved by his inspiring and passionate oratory skills and his example of non-violent protests. 
Last April Cecile and I spent an emotional morning visiting the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis, TN. Most of these photos were taken while there.
2018 marked the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel. It looks much like it did April 4,1968, when James Earl Ray fired the fatal round from the boarding-house window next to the Young and Morrow Building directly across Mulberry Street. 
A funeral wreath of red and white carnations hangs on the railing outside room 306 to mark the spot, making it a symbol of the civil rights movement and becoming America’s first Civil Rights Museum in 1991. In its day, the Lorraine Hotel hosted such entertainers as Cab Calloway, Aretha Franklin Count Basie, Nat King Cole, and B.B. King. The Vintage cars in the parking loot represent the vehicles parked at the Lorraine Motel when Dr. King was killed. White musicians were welcome to perform.

King credited Mahatma Gandhi’s teachings as being “the guiding light of our technique of nonviolent change.” It was Gandhi who said: “An eye for an eye
only ends up making the whole world blind.” 
Like Gandhi, King had the courage to allow himself to be beaten and jailed and was able to persevere through difficult times without caving into bitterness and despair. I didn’t fully understand until later in life that embracing his vulnerability and "Turning the other cheek” as difficult as that may have been in such dangerous and tumultuous times, became his strength. He had to resist fear, master his fears even during those dark nights of the soul when he feared for his family and fought formidable forces to get his message across for the movement, for equal rights under the law and for the pursuit of happiness. This is the very definition of courage and faith.

A Poetic Offering in honor of Dr. King’s Birthday:

Standing Tall 
by Jamie McKenzie 

Some kings rule their kingdoms sitting down
Surrounded by luxury, soft cushions and fans
But this King stood strong, stood proudly, stood tall

When the driver told Rosa “Move to the back of the bus!”
When the waiter told students “We don’t serve your kind!”
When the Mayor told voters “Your vote don’t count!”
And when the sheriff told marchers “Get off our streets!”
using fire hoses, police dogs and cattle prods to move them along The King stood strong
stood tall Speaking of peace
of love and children hand in hand, 
free at last, free at last

When some yelled for violence
For angry revenge
An eye of an eye
And a tooth of a tooth
He stood his ground
Preaching peace

And when some spit our hate
He stood there smiling
Spreading love…breaking down the walls
Ringing the bell joyfully For Freedom

Until Standing on the mountain top
They shot him coldly
Hoping to see him fall
Hoping to put him away 
To bring him low

But this King 
even in death
even today 
stands strong, stands proudly
stands tall
And we remember

(excerpt of the original poem by Jamie McKenzie in 1982)

Savory Luncheon Feast with a friend at Dumpling Depot: An Unexpected Surprise

“As long as there’s Pasta and Chinese Food in the World, I’m Okay.”—Michael Chang

“Don’t pursue happiness—create it.”—fortune cookie

I was introduced to Dumpling Depot, located in an unremarkable strip mall in Sunnyvale, CA., by my retired teacher friend Jimi Hunter. It was 1 PM and the place was bustling. I learned that they also did a robust take-out business. The interior was plain and utilitarian.
But, the chairs were comfortably padded. 
Over the years I have learned that what appears to be an understated restaurant can sometimes take you by surprise. It’s what made the TV hit show: ”Diners, Drive-ins an, Dives so popular.
Jimi asked me to trust him to order for the both of us. Since I was his guest and he has yet to steer me wrong, I figured why not? We began with a pot of hot traditional Chinese tea and then Jimi placed an order for the following savory treats for us to feast on Green Onion Pancake. Vegetarian Sichuan Ma-Po Tofu (Watch out for those hot chili peppers!)
Black Sesame Crispy Rolls (taste a bit like chocolate)Fresh Cucumber salad, String Beans with Garlic and Vegetarian Dumpling

When Jimi first told me about the restaurant he sold me on the dumplings. Dumplings are the ultimate comfort food. They are universal. Some version of the dough wrapped around a delicious filling can be found almost
anywhere in the world. However, Chinese dumplings are a cultural food staple that has been around since
Ancient China, 1800 years ago. They were first introduced by a healer named Zhang Zhongjing, who crafted little dough-wrappers filled with lamb, chili and herbs and boiled in a flavorful broth to feed the ill members of his community, many of whom were exposed to freezing temperatures and other maladies. They represent happiness and celebration and are typically served on Chinese New Year. The savory pouches often contain meats, seafood and, veggies. Jimi is a vegetarian, so I went along with the vegetarian style. They were excellent.
Chinese-style dumplings have become a trendy snack in Western society and I’m a fan.

The service was good. The lag time between dishes was brief. The staff is friendly and I came away feeling that this is a place I would return to. I’m glad I didn’t let the lack of curb appeal curb my appetite. 

Keeping a Pledge & My Late Father's Birthday

“Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose.”
—Kevin Arnold

Happy Birthday to my dad, Frank Augustine who would have been 102 today. We were blessed to have him in our lives. I’m a firm believer that the way to keep the memories of loved ones alive is to share your treasured heartfelt recorded memories.

During a recent trip to New Jersey, my brother in law, Joseph Mcallister, a resident of Rutherford, and I collected the statues from a Catholic shrine—my dad tendered for over three decades and brought them to the facilities staff behind the rectory of Our Lady of Grace Church in my hometown of Hoboken, NJ., Rev. Alex Santora had agreed to accept them and find a home for them as my dad had requested before he died. 

Back Story:

In 2010, Rev. Santora, pastor of Our Lady of Grace Church wrote an article about my dad entitled: "Standing Among Saints on the Hudson" in his column called, "Faith Matters." The focus of the story was how dad had been a caretaker of a Catholic shrine in his storefront bay window—encased in copper framing—year round for over 30 years. The storefront which doubled as a laundry and storage room was located at the base of a five unit building that he and my late mother owned since 1957 (photo). We lived on the second floor. I was 7 years old at the time. Over the ensuing years Passersby, including neighbors and family friends would often stop in front of the shrine in a moment of contemplation and reflective prayer. Some devout Catholics would bless themselves. It was like an outdoor neighborhood chapel.

The reverend wrote that he had passed the shrine a “thousand times” until he discovered my dad sitting on the stoop one day in front of the building was its owner. He retold the story at my mom's funeral services in 2013. It was at that moment that I was struck with a melancholy wave of emotion. Until that time, I took dad’s public display of faith largely for granted—an eccentricity if you will. In that moment I realized that my dad, a former lay brother in the Maryknoll Seminary in Ossining, NY when he was a young man had taken the initiative to be a "keeper of the shrine.”

Some of the photos were taken in St. Augustine, Florida, which lays claim to be the oldest city in the United States and home of “The Castillo de San Marcus—a seventeen century stone fortress overlooking the bay. The trip was a birthday gift to my dad who was 65 at the time. We took Amtrak and watched the world go by. It was an intimate and precious time to reconnect. The city was named after after our namesake, St. Augustine who was a bishop, philosopher, theologian and prolific writer.

Happy Birthday dad and thanks for the memories! We miss you, and I have no doubt you are at peace.


Welcoming 2019 with Friends and Neighbors at Rinconada Hills & Happy New Year to Family & Friends Near & Far

“And now we welcome the New Year, full of things that have never been.”
—Ranier Maria Rilke

In the company of friends and neighbors, Nelson and Susan Bye, Mark and Marleen Brodsky, Gretchen Sand and Bruce Preville, Sue Sullivan and Barry Gotlieb, Diana and Norm Orloff, John Myers, Dick Reilly, Dee Blumenthal, Cathy Ramos and others, we welcomed in 2019 at the clubhouse of our gated community at Rinconada Hills which was celebrating its' 50th Anniversary. It was deal we couldn’t refuse. At the cost of only $10 per person, we enjoyed an elaborate buffet of hors D’oeuvres, desserts, champagne and wine from Testarossa, one of the top 10 rated wineries in the South Bay. The entertainment for the night was provided by harpist, Adele Stinson. A special thanks for the dedicated staff and board members including manager, Mike Yarman, Russ and Cathy Gillum, Stewart and Nancy Mcintosh for making this event possible.

As the world pauses and takes its cues from calendars, planners, clocks, goals, and New Years resolutions, Cecile and I want to wish our family, friends and the community-at-large around the world the following blessings for the New Year:

Love and laughter for your soul
Beauty for your eyes to witness
Sunsets to warm your heart
Comfort when sadness strikes 
Many Moments of peace and calm
Hugs when spirits sag
Confidence when you're in doubt
Patience to accept the truth
Courage to know yourself
Wisdom to be fully present and accept what is
Self-compassion when you fall short
Dropping the Struggle for a perfect life
Embrace the experience of being alive

An Unforgettable Christmas Eve Dinner at AL & Kim's & Our Granddaughter Lyla's First Yuletide Event

As Cecile, Jason, Alex and I approached AL and Kim Chien's home for the Christmas Eve party, we were mesmerized by the warm decorative glow of the Christmas wreaths, the dazzling Christmas tree that shone through the window and steady tranquil sound of a decorative water fountain to the left of the entry. 

There were 29 of us in attendance, all excited to be here including many of AL and Kim’s family members. Kyle’s brother Chip and Katie came in from NYC. Kyle and Michelle brought our precious granddaughter Lyla, barely 2 weeks old dressed in an adorable festive red outfit.
Needless to say, this bundle of joy brought a special warmth and glow of its own to the evening. Our friend Percy said: “Just when you think it can’t get better
than ‘this,' it gets better than this.'” The gregarious grandfather of three added; “Welcome to the grandparent’s club!”

As always, the food was delicious. Everybody brought a side dish, including Baked Brie in Puff Pastry, Twice baked Potatoes, Balsamic Roasted Sprouts with Bacon, and an assortment of vegetables, Kim made Wild Greens, Pomegranates and Candied Pecans in Champagne dressing and Al prepared Clam Dip and Chips, Dungeness Crab with Cocktail Sauce and Lemon and a Filet Mignon Roast with Au Jus cooked to perfection. The desserts were plentiful and the wine and drinks were flowing as was the conversation.

We feel so blessed and grateful to be part of the family.

Merry Christmas to friends and family!

Postscript: I want to acknowledge my dad Frank Augustine who passed away a year ago this month. He loved the Christmas Holidays and took great joy in decorating the home—inside and out—that my siblings and I grew up in, in Hoboken, NJ. He also did the decorations for his local Elk's Club and Knights of Columbus. The last photo of him was taking at the Elks Lodge 74. According to Rick Gerbehy PER, Dad was part of a new group that brought a great lodge back to life. Love you dad.

Our New Precious Little Granddaughter Finally Made Her Long—Awaited Debut

"Grandchildren are the dots that connect the lines from generation to generation"—Lois Wyse

There’s nothing like the birth of your first grandchild to bring a joyous smile to your face, a tear to your eye, a lump in your throat, and a loving warmth to your heart. It finally happened. After a long tiring wait, 9 days past her due date, our beloved daughter Michelle with her devoted husband, Kyle steadfastly by her side finally gave birth to our first grandchild, a precious little bundle of joy on Sunday 12/09/18 at 3:33 PM. The venue of this miracle of birth took place at the award winning Sequoia Birth Hospital in Redwood City. She weighed in at 7 pound 4 ounce. 

There were ten of us—family and friends waiting anxiously in the wide corridors for this blessed event, listening for any signs that Baby Lulu Lewis (her temporary name) had made her debut. The grandmas had their ears to the door and heard a gentle cry. When the nurse on call finally opened the door for the big reveal, there was Michelle, lying in bed, baby at her side and Kyle standing, both smiling with the pride and joy only a new mother and father would know. We each had a turn holding the baby—who was swaddled in a Dr. Seuss elephant imprinted blanket—in our arms. The room was aglow with love and peacefulness. It was an auspicious and symbolic day in many ways: the last day of Hanukkah and the advent of the Christmas season. There was the symbolism of number three in the baby’s date of birth: 12/09/18, each number divisible by 3. Time of birth 3:33; room number 3033. In many cultures such as Asia lucky number 3 have strong personalities, are sociable, easygoing and creative. In Judaism the number 3 has real significance like completeness and stability as it is in the Christian and other traditions.

Thank you dearest daughter and son-in-law for this precious gift you gave to all of us. Michelle, you were a real trooper or as Kyle said, a real champ the way you embraced the challenging process of being pregnant and giving birth. You handled it with much grace. And, Kyle, you definitely rose to the occasion, you guys are true partners and we have no doubt you will make wonderful parents. If we have any sage advice it is that which has been passed down from the ages: babies grow so fast. These precious moments won’t last, so take the time to cherish every second. every minute, every day. You will be astounded how quickly the time flies away.

Postscript: On Tuesday, December 11, the day they left the hospital Michelle and Kyle named the baby Lyla Isabella Lewis.

Tigelleria Ristorante in Historic Downtown Campbell: A Taste of Northern Italy with Friends

“Life is a combination of magic and pasta.”—Federico Fellini

Cecile and I were invited to join our friends Nelson and Susan Bye for dinner at Tigelleria Ristorante located in historic downtown Campbell in a rust-colored stucco building with a tile roof that was decorated with stringed lights for the festive holiday season.

Tigelleria (pronounced tee-gel-leh-ria) is derived from the word Tigella (tea-jella), named after the tasty little circles of bread with a crispy crust and plump center that is made in a special cast iron pan called a tigelliera that is served with your meal. Its origin is Modena, Italy but can be found throughout Tuscany and Venice.
The restaurant’s creator is Venetian Elisabetta Benetollo. The dishes are made from traditional family recipes with her unique modern spin.
They are carefully crafted to highlight the fresh, natural taste of locally sourced organic foods as well as products direct from Italy. Many gluten-free, vegetarian and vegan options available.

Cecile and I shared a delicious black kale salad tossed with lemon juice, honey & olive oil with mango, pine nuts and homemade goat & walnut cheese and a savory Garbanzo beans soup with a little kick of spice. For my entree I enjoyed a Spaghetti with Buffalo meatballs with olive oil and red chili flakes and garlic topped with fresh tomatoes. For dessert we all split a Pannacotta al pistachio with house made caramel sauce and a Merrigata: Delicious layers of crushed vanilla meringue cookies mixed with frozen whipping cream and dark chocolate.

Our friendly waiter was Jim and one of our food servers was Francesco whose tattoo saying on the back of his arms caught my eye (see photo) and I asked to see them. It read: “Too fast to live and too young to die.” Now that’s an existential statement if I ever heard one.

Back History:

Every year, the owner, Elisabetta travels to Bologna in Northern Italy to meet with friends from her University days, where they reminisce about old times and make a 2 1/2 mile pilgrimage to The Sanctuary of the Madonna of San Luca, a basilica church (circa 1765) which is located atop the forested Monte della Guardia. On one of those trips Elisabetta's friends bought her a tigelliera pan made of cast iron. This gift would become the inspiration for a place she envisioned where people in the Bay Area could gather with friends over great food, wine and tigella—as we joyfully did.

Buon Appetito!

A Feast of all Feasts: Celebrating Thanksgiving with the Chiens & Company

“If the only prayer you ever say in your life is thank you, it will be enough.”
—Meister Eckhart, 14th century Christian Mystic

The spirit of hospitality doesn’t begin in a restaurant or hotel, but begins at home, in everyday life. 
You just can’t turn hospitality on. It is something that comes from the heart. It is an intentional act of kindness, generosity, humility and gratitude that makes others feel like a treasured guest.
This is the experience Cecile and I have when invited for Thanksgiving by Kim and Al Chien.
There were 16 of us this year. Each of us brought a side dish and dessert. We each had drink and appetizers and settled in, greeting those we haven’t seen for some time.
The rain everyone was praying for finally arrived to clear out the toxic air that had hovered over the Bay Area from the Camp Fire in and around the lost community of Paradise.
We all felt grateful that we were spared the calamities of all those who perished in the fires and those who lost their homes. Though we enjoyed the bounty of delicious food and each other’s company, we did so without closing ourselves off to the collected emotional empathy we felt for all those who were suffering this tragic event.

We sat for a traditional meal of Roasted Turkey with Sage Dressing, Honey Baked Ham, Baked Potatoes, Candied Yams with Marshmallows, Sweet Potato Casserole,
Brussels Sprouts, Sticky Rice followed by French Apple, Pumpkin and Pecan Pies and Fall Cookies and more...

Afterwards, we relaxed, watched some football, and were entertained by Al’s brother Rich and Lisa’s daughter Alivia, and Michelle's husband Kyle doing some yoga poses. With all the food that I ate, I resisted the temptation. While we were impressed Kyle managed to do a tripod headstand, we were all in awe watching little, bendy Alivia, do a back bend from a standing position.

As we count our blessings, in a year that has been challenging for many both personally and on the international stage we joyfully await the birth of our first grandchild who is set to make her debut very soon.

Happy Thanksgiving to All!

Photo: Al & Kim's dog Bailey with her brother in law, Mike.
Photo: Myself with Lisa's dad, and my man, Percy who is visiting from Massachusettes.

A Veteran's Salute to my Late Dad & Uncles Who Served their Country & My Nephew Andrew Who is Carrying the torch for the Old Generation

"A veteran, whether in active duty, discharged, retired or in the reserves is someone who, at one point or another in his life wrote a blank check made payable to the United States of America, and are deserving of our debt and gratitude"

Most of the photos of my late dad, Frank Augustine were taken in the rotunda, at the Justice Brennan Courthouse in Jersey City, NJ on April 15, 2014. They were photographed by my brother in law Joseph McAllister, a veteran of the United States Navy. I would like to also thank him and other family members including my late cousin Nick Girone, for their service as well as all veterans who have come and gone or are currently serving our country.

My sister Josephine and I were fortunate enough to be at our late father's side when he and 80 veterans received Military Service Medals Citation Certificates for their years of service. In addition, dad received a Proclamation from the office of the former Mayor of Hoboken, Dawn Zimmer. 

Dad had followed the footsteps of my Uncle Joe and my Uncle Anthony Augustine and was stationed at San Antonio Texas (See B&W Photo). Dad served under the command of his mentor and friend, Army Chaplain Capt. William Walsh and served as his personal aide until September 15, 1938. His last stint was at Walter Reed Medical Center. 
The event was was a joint effort by the Hudson County Executive, Thomas A. De Gise, the Office of Veteran Affairs, and the Hudson County Board of Chosen Freeholders. 

The photos of the handsome young man in the cockpit of a fighter jet is my nephew Andrew Augustine, a career Air Force veteran who is stationed in the Azores and is responsible for making sure these jets are battle ready. In early September he was promoted by the United States Air Force to Technical Sergeant for his exceptional performance, valor, fidelity and patriotism. He does the family and country proud. Thank you for your service Andrew! We are all proud of the man you have become.

Spotlight on Rosalio Vargas: The Personal Transformation of a Former Delinquent Graffiti Artist

“Painting is self-discovery. Every good artist paints what he is.”—Jackson Pollock

When I walked into Cafe Vida at Bay Club Courtside to interview Rosalio Vargas, I found the young artist sitting in the corner working on his laptop. He wasn’t hard to find. This is a man who not only lives, eats, and breathes his art, he wears it as well. He discovered that his daily wardrobe could be both his canvas and his calling card and he has become a noticeable fixture around town. Heads turn when he passes by. Children look up at him with awe and amusement.

People compare Rosalio’s artistic style to that of the late Jackson Pollock, a major figure in the expressionist movement known for his unique style of "drip painting."
In contrast, Rosalio employs more of a splatter technique using only his glove-protected hand. To see him work is like watching an animated comic book superhero unleashing an explosion of colors. He is inspired by the ground breaking work of Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto, whose pioneering studies of water prove that thoughts and feelings can affect physical reality. Like a modern day mystic, Rosalio applies the primary component of this work—water-based acrylic paint—to infuse thoughts, prayers and good intentions into his paintings.

Rosalio also embraces the power of "Not Knowing,” or suspending the need to require an immediate solution of what to do next. No matter how counter-intuitive and uncomfortable it may feel, he trusts the process of allowing things to naturally evolve and new creations to emerge. He is motivated by a sense of community and collaboration rather than one of competition and rivalry. 

But alas, it hasn’t always been this way. Like many celebrities such as comedian and actor Jim Carrey, Vargas was extremely restless and disruptive as a child and like Carrey has ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). His racing creative mind and intellect was met with resistance in the educational school system. 

My good friend, James Hunter, was Rosalio’s 5th grade teacher at Cherrywood Elementary. He told the San Jose Mercury News in 1996 about the challenges with working with kids with ADD or ADHD. He had volunteered to take Rosalio (aka RIchard) out of Special Day Class and mainstream him into his class. Having struggled with ADHD as a child himself, Hunter, an award-winning teacher empathized with Vargas, and was motivated to do everything he could to help the young Vargas succeed.

While trying to find his identity In his teenage years, and cope with his ADHD, Rosalio became a notorious spray painting graffiti artist that got him in serious trouble with the law. Vargas attributes his troubles to a rough and dark upbringing. "I was abused, bullied, robbed, manipulated and teased unmercifully,” he said. At some point, this eccentric visionary artist realized he was at a crossroads. He had a choice to make. He could either be at the effect of that abuse and reflect his dark, troubled history that nearly swallowed him up or; like the Buddha taught, he could become a "lamp unto himself." Luckily, he chose the latter. "My approach was simple, I could operate from my heart instead of my head and focus on the present instead of my past."

About 8 years ago Rosalio moved to the wide open spaces of Melbourne, Australia and began perfecting his contemporary and abstract work inspired by the female form where he quickly became a serious selling artist as his artistic creations were recognized by prestigious art gallery showings in Melbourne, Brisbane and San Francisco. 

Vargas wants his work to inspire and encourage people to think outside the box. He believes every person has a touch of genius in them and are capable of doing great things. “We are coded with extraordinary potential when we tap into our natural flow,” he said. Twenty-two years later, Rosalio and Mr. Hunter crossed paths again. When asked how he would describe his former 5th grade student, he said. “He is an extremely eccentric visionary who despite all obstacles persevered by focusing on his art and had the courage to be himself."

Toward the end of the interview I asked Rosalio if he had any final words for my readers and if he had any regrets about his harsh upbringing and his difficulties in school and this is what he said: “My artistry is not about ‘me,' it’s about 'we.’ He then clasped his hands together with fingers intertwined and added, “At the end of the day, it comes down to how does one inspire the collective, conjoined consciousness? Rather than think hey look at me, I’m the best, my intention is to use art as a vehicle to engage people in a collaborative effort rather than emphasizing my singularity. After all, we are all ONE. Yes, it’s true I come from a dark past, I was punished and abused as a child—at home and in school. But, without the dark, you can’t step into the light, and that’s me: Rosalio Vargas. Nice to meet you," he said as he placed his hands together in prayer position and added: "Namaste’ and thank you for taking the time! You are a great listener!

At the end of September, Rosalio was invited to demonstrate his artistry and showmanship at the Los Gatos Art & Wine Festival. With the music of a live quartet and Flamenco guitarist and dancer performing in the background, he began painting cars, one layer at a time. 
Before, during and after his performance art, Rosalio was the subject of a 15 minute interview by producer Mel Van Dusen about his philosophy of art. You can view it on youtube by selecting the first link below.

Remembering Mom—My First Love—on Her Birthday Who Would Have Been 93 Today

During a recent trip to my home town, Hoboken, NJ., my brother-in-law, Joseph McAllister took a photo of my younger sister Josephine and I standing arm-in-arm with are backs facing the New York City skyline. A few days later, we visited our mother Maria at the Holy Cross Cemetery in North Arlington where she shares a plot with our late dad Frank who passed away last December. 

We laid a floral bouquet at their tombstone. Mom was born on November 2, 1924 in a small fishing village of Roccalumera in the province of Messina of Sicily.
She came to the United in 1947. Three years later she gave birth to me—her fist child. She was very courageous. She gave up home and country to cross the ocean in search
of liberty and a better life and to meet my dad whom she only knew through a photograph sent with a letter from a matchmaker friend in the US.

She survived the carpet bombing and machine gun fire of US Army Air Corps in 1943 during World War ll as well as an electrical storm on a Merchant Marine Clipper
headed to Ellis Island. In the early years when I used to visit my ancestors I used to see the bullet holes in the stucco of my grandparents home.

I am proud of my Sicilian heritage. People get confused about the difference between Italians and Sicilians. Not all Italians are Sicilians but all Sicilians
are Italian. Apart from that, there is are no visible differences, though voicing such a thought could be perceived as fighting words to a Sicilian.
I have been blessed to have taken more than 15 trips to Sicily since the age of three.

Mom became a hard worker at a garment factory, or what was commonly called a sweat shop but later became a stay at home mom. She had a good heart. Her first thought was always to send care packages and money back to her native land to help her parents and siblings. She was protective of me, always kept a clean home and loved to cook. Her beauty caused most men’s heads to turn. She was popular with my friends.
She had a contagious laugh and a sharp wit and would not hesitate to give me a piece of her mind if I misbehaved. In later years, when I became successful in
my podiatry practice Cecile and I would take her and my younger brother Steve to visit the family in the old country. I used to love when Italian relatives and friends came to visit our home and spoke in their native tongue. In later years she loved to play bingo, she loved to walk, especially when we would fly her and dad out to California for visits where
she felt really peaceful. We loved to take walks together in the local or county parks. The topography and weather of Northern California reminded her of Sicily, which is one of the reasons I wanted to live in the Bay Area. We enjoyed taking her and dad on an Alaskan Cruise, to Mexico and multiple times to her and dad’s favorite island, Maui.

Though she has been gone five years last Mothers Day, she is always with me. She is the whisper of the wind, the rustling of the leaves on an autumn day. She is the smell of Italian foods. She is the fragrance of red roses we used to send her for Mother’s Day and her birthday, she is the cool hand on my forehead when I wasn’t feeling well as a child. She is the reassuring hug and soft voice when I was sad. She is the person who pushed me to continue my studies. 
She is the sound of the rain that lulls me to sleep. She is the laugh I hear in myself, the inherited fissure skin above my brow, the place in her womb that nurtured me, the walks in the park, the sound of Italian music or the tourist or passersby speaking my mother’s native tongue. She is my first love and my first friend and though we sometimes had words, nothing on earth will ever separate the fact that she is my mother for all eternity. Not time, space or death will keep us apart.

Buon Compleanno (Happy Birthday), mom and thank you for giving me this life to live!

Celebrating the Prequel to Halloween with Family on the East and West Coast

"Trick or Treat Yourself!"

The annual fall ritual of Halloween is upon us. This year I had the unique opportunity to enjoy the prequel to the holiday on both the East Coast and the West Coast.

During my recent visit to New Jersey, I accompanied my brother in law Joseph McAllister to pick up his granddaughter, Zaila—who happens to be my grand niece—at her school. She calls him “Pop Pop,” and she is the light of his life. While waiting for her school day to end, we walked into the basketball court that doubles as an auditorium and witnessed bigger than life inflatable creatures including a fire breathing Dragon.

Joe introduced me to a few teachers, some of whom were saying thank you Joe. It was then that I realized he had donated several of these inflatables for the Halloween costume party Zaila would attend later in the day with my niece and Godchild Selina. Afterwards, we joyfully watched Zaila join her classmates in participating in after school playtime. We then took photos with her in front of the Dragon which symbolizes protection, power, success, wisdom, loyalty, fearlessness and immense possibilities. 

People who know me, understand that I like to look under the hood to learn about the history of secular and religious holidays. I guess I inherited my curiosity from my late dad, Frank Augustine who enjoyed looking into the back history of what’s behind the holidays we generally take for granted, so here are some interesting factoids.

Back History: Several thousand years ago, long before Halloween became the holiday as we know it to be today, it marked the end of the summer festival that was known as Samhain. Ancient Celtic people honored the gods and goddesses of the autumn harvest season by holding a celebration. It was a time to pay homage to the gods of the harvest who people believed to be responsible for their bounty. These celebrations often included feasting, dancing and lighting large bonfires in which animal sacrifices were done to honor the gods. For many it was a time in which supernatural practices became a part of the annual festivities. Some believed that the end of the harvest created a window of opportunity for the souls of the dead to return to life and mingle with the living. Some of the local villages took safeguards to ensure their safety against potentially vengeful spirits. They created special lanterns with scary faces carved into the flesh of turnips that were used to light the way for the villages during Samhain festivities to ward off any evil spirits that may be out and about.

When Christianity first came onto to the scene in the European countries the missionaries realized that the Celtic-pagan folk were set in their ways and didn’t want to give up partying. In a brilliant PR coup, Pope Gregory lll came up with a method of getting the Celts to convert while still allowing them to hold on to their ancient traditions. This led to “All Saints Day or ‘Hallows' Day” which was sanctioned by the Catholic Church, whereby a day (November 1) was set aside to pray for all the Saints and martyrs and the souls of the newly deceased that would ensure their passage to heaven.

My brother-in-law, Joseph McAllister, was born on November 1st, and he will be the first to admit, that like me he ain’t no saint, but he is a generous soul. In one of our adventures abroad we shared the cost of purchasing Yankee baseball caps, harmonicas and soccer balls that he procured and we gave them out to the kids at a local school and on the streets of Havana Cuba in 2010 where Halloween is also joyfully celebrated.

Postscript: Most of these photos were taken in the neighborhood where we live by a very creative woman named Deborah who could qualify as a set designer for horror movies, a glass blown pumpkin exhibit at Stanford Mall in Palo Alto, Effie's restaurant, the farmer's market and other neighboring venues.

Celebrating the 80th Birthday of a True Renaissance Man—our Friend Elie Alcheck

By Dr. Dennis Augustine

Abraham Lincoln once said “In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.”

Our friend, Elie’s 80th surprise birthday party was held at the Oshman Family Jewish Community Center in Palo Alto at 6PM. Cecile and I were privileged to be among
the honored guests. As we emerged from the underground parking lot we could hear the soulful sound of a saxophone player echoing from the Center’s courtyard where cocktails, wine and appetizers were being served.
By 7:30 PM, we all got the word that Elie was on his way up with his wife Yael. Excitement and anticipation was in the air. “Surprise!” we all yelled out. Elie’s face registered shock, confusion and joy all at the same time. He was lovingly greeted by family and friends. As we walked through the doors into the ballroom, Eli’s Band was on stage ready to go (not to be confused with Elie).
The theme for the evening was travel. We had been given Passports with our names on the front and Cecile and I were assigned to the “France table.” There was a photo of Elie on the inside with the words: Elie and Yael think Paris is the most romantic city in Europe. 

It can be difficult to appeal to a multi-generational group of people, but Eli’s Band—Eli Buzglo Entertainment from LA had everybody on their feet with their incomparable high energy performance and music selections throughout the evening. They were one of the best live bands we’ve ever seen in these types of Life Cycle celebration venues. They are probably the only band out there who could keep up with Elie, our high octane octogenarian friend who puts all us guys 15 to 20 years younger to shame on the dance floor. As we poop out, he's just getting started. He indeed has always been the life of the party. The food and dessert were superb and if you didn’t have a great time, you had to be brain dead. This was an extraordinary celebration.

About Elie: No one would argue the point that Elie is a true Renaissance man. He is curious, creative, and a risk taking real estate entrepreneur. Throughout his career
he has displayed perseverance and self-discipline. He has a thirst for knowledge in many fields and always welcomes new, enriching experiences. He has shown excellence in intellectual, artistic, physical and social fields. He and his beloved wife Yael are patrons of the arts, supporters of their community, and have a deep love for opera and travel.

Elie’s parents were born in Salonica, Greece that is steeped in Sephardic culture, foods, songs and the Ladino language. Motivated by the desire to learn more about Jewish life and his family’s roots and their experience there, he, Yael and their family traveled there a year ago.

Born in Tel Aviv, in 1959 Elie ventured out to California to study nuclear chemistry at UC Berkeley, receiving his BS in 1963 and PhD from USC in 1968.
While attending Berkeley, Elie founded the Educational Student Exchange (ESEP), the largest charter flight operator for students in the USA until 1972.

After returning to the Bay Area from LA in 1969, Elie entered the field of land and property development and acquisition, which and his family are still currently involved in.
Elie carries with him the spirit of Zorba the Greek within his heart and soul, that teaches us to live each day, and enjoy life even when things don’t always go our way.

After listening to the loving speeches given by Yael, and his sons and daughters, and after blowing out the birthday candles he gave a speech that was both wise and loving as it pertained to embracing life as one matures. “By the time we reach 50," he's said, "there should be a cease and desist order placed on birthdays. After all, each of us is going to have one,” he added.

“As we mature, we may not be able to do the things we used to do. We may not accomplish all the tasks we set out for ourselves. We may no longer look how we used to.
But, I want to you to know that age is just a number. It requires some change in our activities, exercises, and eating habits (Elie is a confirmed Vegan). It requires visiting doctors more often.” That being said, he expressed profound gratitude for his beloved Yael, who has brought him blessings from the first time they met and has continued for 40 years. “Not only do we love each other, but we are best friends.” he added.

While Elie and Yael were in Greece a summer ago, he picked up a quote from Socrates who once said: “If you marry the perfect wife, you will become a happy person. If you marry
the wrong wife, you become a philosopher.” Apparently, Socrates had a sense of humor. But, he also taught that “an unexamined life is not worth living.”
The irony is that Elie “is” a philosopher, who was bestowed with a certificate of philosophy. As he once told a childhood friend he is very happy with his life. When he looked at a photograph when he was 18, he said to himself, “Hey! You’re the same person except life has enriched you with tremendous experiences, gave you a wonderful wife, blessed you with wonderful sons and daughters and phenomenal grandchildren and prosperity. You have lived the American Dream.”

When we do an inventory of our lives as the years fly by there is always a question of all questions we ask ourselves. If we had it to do over again, would we do anything different?
Elie, who was asked this question by a friend said: "Yes! That included his “successes, failures, and mistakes because they made him the man he is today. Calling upon his family to come to the front of the stage, he ended his speech with a Hebrew prayer to thank God for all the blessings he and his family have received and expressed gratitude to all who came near and far to help him celebrate another milestone in his life.

Elie, Cecile and I want to wish you Mazel Tov! May you live til 120. As you know it is a Jewish Blessing which in Hebrew is Biz Hundert un Tsvatsig. This is not intended to wish you the attainment of a particular numerical age, but that you should be blessed with the mental and physical faculties that come along with maturing in age. We wish this for you and your family.

Taking Daisy to the "Blessing of the Animals" Celebration at St. Andrews

“Our pets offer us unconditional love by accepting us just as we are every minute of each day.”

The Reverend Channing Smith invited me to attend the “Blessing of the Animals” Sunday service at Saint Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Saratoga, CA. This was my second year. Last year my attendance with Daisy, our son Jason’s dog was memorialized by an article that appeared in the Los Gatos Times Weekly and the Saratoga News.

The origin of the Blessings of the Animals dates back 800 years ago in honor of my namesake: St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals. Francis is my middle name, given to me at birth by my late parents Frank and Maria Augustine at my Baptism. St. Francis was the ultimate “animal whisperer.” He is mostly known for preaching to hundreds of birds and brokering a peace between a ferocious wolf who was terrorizing a small village. His sensitivity to all living things being a part of all Creation is reminicent of the Buddhist teachings of expressing loving kindness towards all sentient beings.

Outside the church, just before the service I bumped into Ann Waltonsmith, former mayor of Saratoga and her husband Rick who brought their two gentle donkeys, Betsy and Ike. Over the years my wife Cecile and I got to travel with Ann to Japan and China with a group from Hakone Gardens.

I got to pet and pose for pictures with Betsy who seemed more interested in taking a bite out of one of Daisy’s unused plastic poop bags.😎 Very much involved in our community Ann and Rick used to give children rides around and through the orchard during Saratoga’s Blossom Festival.

As Daisy and I made our way to the front of the church, a young woman looked smilingly toward me and Daisy with a hint of recognition. She said: “Daisy,” right? “Yes!” I answered. Her name is Danielle. We recollected that we first met at last year’s Blessing of the Animals. She is depicted here cuddling with her dog Rosy in the pew. Daisy and Rosy are both six years young, Chihuahua-mixed breed rescue dogs. I also reconnected with the folks at Kitten Cattitude Rescue, founder Adrienne (Addie) Jacques and volunteer Darelle whose non-profit organization I support.

Toward the end of this special Sunday Service, pet owner-companions were called up to the front of the altar to receive the traditional blessing in the spirit of St. Francis. When it was our turn the congenial Reverend Channing Smith gently placed his hand on Daisy’s little head while repeating a short prayer. 

Once again, I was amazed how curious and calm Daisy was in the midst of crowd of people and animals. As affectionate and loving as she can be, she can also be very skittish and feisty at times around people and dogs she doesn’t know. I was also surprised how relaxed and joyful I felt attending these events. As I’ve told family and friends, I have never witnessed a service in any tradition as joyful as this one. I could only conclude that the magic of St. Francis rubbed off on us. After all, as the story goes, animals and birds alike were susceptible to his great charm, love and gentle manner. He was their friend and protector.

Aside from the United States, ceremonial blessings of companion animals occur throughout the world including Australia, Canada, Scotland, and Spain. They are celebrated in some form or another in diverse religious communities including Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Shintoism, Unitarian Universalism—to name a few. Secular communities that respect the rights and welfare of animals are acknowledged internationally around this time on World Animal Day.

More about St. Francis: The man who would be saint, was born Giovanni di Pietro di Bernadone in 1181. Later, his father, a wealthy cloth merchant gave him the nickname, “Francesco” or Francis. Many of the stories and legends surrounding St. Francis deal with his love of animals, his caring for the natural world, his dedication to the poor and as a man of peace. He gave up a life of wealth and privilege to serve others. It was these same virtues that inspired Pope Francis to take his name.

Photo: Next to the last photo of Rev. Channing Smith taken in 2017 Blessing of the Animals

The Augustines: Just Published in the October Issue of Riconanda Hills Digest

by Cindy Gum & Connie Palladino

Dennis grew up in the tough, blue-collar town of Hoboken, New Jersey the birth place of Frank Sinatra which overlooks the NYC skyline in the 50s. Back in the day it was a cross between “West Side Story” and “On the Waterfront,” he said. Cecile grew up in the West Rogers Park in Chicago. They met at a student party while Dennis was attending the former Illinois College of Podiatric Medicine. Cecile was on a blind date that wasn’t going well. She shared her adventurous summer travels in Italy and he shared stories of his many trips to Sicily visiting relatives. In that instant a romantic flame was lit. 

Cecile taught 4th grade in the tough inner city of Chicago, where weapons checks were mandatory. “She had a sweet, gentle and kind demeanor,” Dennis said, “and it was no surprise that her students adored her,” he added.

The Augustine’s moved to San Jose, CA in 1975 where Dennis began practicing outpatient minimally invasive foot surgery in a converted ranch house near the public Rose Garden. Later the office was incorporated into the Park Avenue Foot Clinic. Cecile was the office manager and together they built one of the most successful operations of its kind in the country. They have two grown children, Jason, 37 and Michelle, 31, who is pregnant with their first grandchild.

The Augustine’s decided to downsize from their 5,000 square foot palatial estate in Saratoga, California, over three years ago. Like many people who wind up at RInconada Hills, they were tired of the upkeep and were looking to simplify their lives. “We love the tree-lined walking trails, the stunning one acre lake, ponds, waterfalls, wildlife and living in harmony with nature,” Dennis said.

The retired couple have been together for 46 years, are best friends and still very much in love. They have traveled all over the world. Earlier in the year they went to Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. Last April, they took a week long riverboat cruise on the Mississippi River from New Orleans to Nashville with their friends and longtime residents of Rinconada Hills, Nelson and Susan Bye.

Aside from their love for travel, the Augustine’s are avid yoga enthusiasts. Dennis, a former yoga teacher received his teaching certification 18 years ago at “White Lotus” in Santa Barbara. He also attended three-week silent Mindfulness Meditation retreats at a Buddhist monastery outside Mandalay in Myanmar from 2005-2010.

A former watercolorist with the Saratoga Community of Painters and a former saxophone player with the Saratoga Community Band, Dennis’ current interests are focused on swimming, bicycling on his new electric assist bike, reading, and writing. His is the author of several published books including Invisible Means of Support: “A Transformational Journey” and “Gifts from Spirit, A Skeptics Path” that he wrote in the early 90s. The former, is a tribute to the late mythologist and scholar, Joseph Campbell who was known to encourage his students and readers to: “Follow Your Bliss.”

Newsletter Cover Photo: Courtesy of John Perry
Photo of Cecile & I taken in Bangkok during Ancient Kingdoms Tour with Overseas Adventure Travel 2018

Celebrating a Wedding of a Magician and his Bride at the Paris Hotel in Las Vegas

“I can’t keep calm we are going to Vegas, Baby.”

Cecile and I attended the wedding ceremony for her cousin Charlene’s daughter, Julie Perkins and her beloved groom, Kevin Pernick in the Chapelle du Paradise at the Paris Hotel in Las Vegas. It was opulently appointed with tall columns, intricate gold leaf designs, crystal chandeliers and angelic cherubs depicted on a blue-sky ceiling. Though we were physically in Las Vegas, the bride and groom bursting at the seams with romance and good cheer were easily transported to Paris, the “City of Love,” and took their guests on their journey with them. One of the family members named Beck officiated the ceremony. I’m not much on destination weddings per se but Las Vegas is the exception as there is so much to do in the entertainment capital of the world.

I never saw a groom so happy to be married. “Thank you for marrying me," Kevin said to his lovely bride.” The couple met online six years ago at Barney’s Beanery in Pasadena, California, followed by a magic show at a theater in Los Feliz. By day, Kevin—whose stage name is Kdog—is a hearing officer for the IRS Appellate Court and by night he enjoys doing close up magic tricks at the Close up Gallery, at Magic Castle in Los Angeles. Kevin has rubbed shoulders with Shin Lim, the card magician act from Season 13 of America’s Got Talent who was the winner of the million dollar prize and the headline of a show in Las Vegas.

After having a drink at the Hexx bar, we made our way to the post nuptial reception that was held in a private dining room at Mon Ami Gabi, a classic French bistro and one of the most popular and beloved restaurants on the Las Vegas Strip. The food and service were beyond good and the entertainment for the evening was an Elvis impersonator who serenaded the married couple and guests with some of the great classics of the King of Rock and Roll.